Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Catch up time

Wow I cant believe its been so long since I posted...

Well let me catch you up on Making Baby Anderson #1
She was Born at 36 weeks gestation I had to have an Emergency CSection
I was completely prepared had the nursery done, had researched everything, diapers, clothes etc but when the moment came I panicked I didnt feel 'ready' but within the hour of hearing she was coming I had a gorgeous amazing healthy little girl named Aaralyn Megin 6lbs 12 oz's 19 1/2 inches long.
Its a GIRL!!
She was the perfect infant and her and I have been inseparable every since!

She turned 2 on Nov 5th 2011 and still amazes me every day! She knows her colors, ABC's, can count to 20 and can count backwards from 10, she knows sign language, English, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin. She loves to draw and paint, read, dance, make funny faces, bake, swim, swing and more. I have truly been blessed by this lil Angel

We would love to be able to give her a brother or sister but that is proving just as hard as getting pregnant with her so we shall see. For now every moment we are awake we spend trying to make her the best lil person she can be!