Thursday, July 31, 2008

2 injections Down!!

So last nights injection went well too. I actually didnt have any burning last night. I guess it wasnt as cold or something. I am exhausted today and alittle nauseous but thats about it. Have another injection tonight and we see the doctor at 715am tomorrow morning for repeat bloodwork and Ultrasound......

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

1st injection

So last night at 9pm I gave myself my first Follistim 300Iu injection. It actually wasnt that bad, the needle didnt hurt at all. After I was done and cleaning up though it started to burn really bad for a few minutes. I just layed down and started rubbing my belly lightly til it went away.....

Inj #2 tonight.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Beginning

Today is my first day of a new quest in making Baby Anderson. I am 36 years old and My Husband is 32 years old. We have been trying for the past 3 1/2 years and have had 5 miscarriages. I had previously seen a fertility doctor last year for a few months which resulted in 2 of those pregnancies but after the 4 th miscarriage I became very worn of trying and being disappointed so we stopped treatments. Mind you our treatments weren't heavy at the time they were just Clomid and Progesterone with Ultrasounds and blood work every few days. It wasnt the treatment that wore on me it was the losses. Well, I had my 5th miscarriage in April 2008 conceived the good old fashioned way. For some reason that loss pissed me off and I am bound and determined to have the baby or babies my husband and I desire. I started seeing a new Reproductive Endocrinologist in May and he seems optimistic that we will have a successful outcome. I had to wait out the June cycle cause my blood work was still all messed up from the last miscarriage. I just started my new cycle on July 26 and was seen today for Blood work and Ultrasound. I got a call from the doctors office a little bit ago with a GREEN LIGHT for this month. I am starting the Follistim injections tonight and will be seen again on Friday Morning.....Fingers Crossed this works because our insurance only covers very little and we have to pay out of pocket for the medicines and the IVF if we had to go that route but I have a feeling this is going to be the magic month and that the one cycle of Follistim and IUI is all we will need....

Will keep you posted and welcome anyone who can give in site on success after 5 miscarriages or just wants to share their story....

Heather Anderson