Monday, November 17, 2008

Natural Cycle

Days 16-26 we will be in Hawaii, the perfect place to relax and implant...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cycle 5, Day 1

I got AF today finally after 4 days of agony so I am guessing what I was seeing on the OPK is about right since I should O in 5-6 days as I will not be taking any meds this cycle or maybe sooner since there is a light line already...

Not pursing anything this cycle. Just going to relax and focus on our Vacation then regroup when we come back. Who knows maybe the magic is in Hawaii...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cycle day 28

Ok so My story gets even more strange!!

Last night I was complaining to DH saying I wish I would just get 'it' already since I have been cramping since Monday and havent had the progesterone since Sunday.

He said to me "do you get pains when you ovulate?" I said 'yes' but there is no way I could be ovulating since I was cycle day 27 and waiting for AF.

I got thinking about it today and thought what the heck if I can find an OPK around the house I will just see, it shouldnt hurt anything.

Well I found 2 and I did one around 630pm today and to my surprise there is a faint line....

I am cycle day 28 today.... So.... did I ovulate yet again sometime between Monday and Now or am I getting ready to ovulate again without an AF??? Or did I never ovulate with the trigger shot and my real O is coming????

My body is soooo messed up I dont even know what to say at this point but...

What the heck????

Here is the pic of the OPK:

Pictures of Us

Monday, November 10, 2008

Routon baby

Create Your OwnMake a Routan Baby

To see pics of the other Babies go to :

Looks like these are the only babies I CAN make right now...

Today is cycle day 26 and 16dpIUI and I still am getting BFN's on my HPT's. Will call the doctor to have BW done tomroow I guess to get on with whatever is next...

I may take a break though until after we get back from Hawaii and maybe get my nose surgery first too

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 9pIUI

Woke up this morning feeling very crampy. Dint have this before with the other 2 IUI's. On another site where I chat with other women they suggested that it may be implantation symptoms. God I Hope so!!

I am just going to take it easy today and keep that positive thought in my head and hoping for lots of babydust faerie Pictures, Images and Photos