Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cycle day 28

Ok so My story gets even more strange!!

Last night I was complaining to DH saying I wish I would just get 'it' already since I have been cramping since Monday and havent had the progesterone since Sunday.

He said to me "do you get pains when you ovulate?" I said 'yes' but there is no way I could be ovulating since I was cycle day 27 and waiting for AF.

I got thinking about it today and thought what the heck if I can find an OPK around the house I will just see, it shouldnt hurt anything.

Well I found 2 and I did one around 630pm today and to my surprise there is a faint line....

I am cycle day 28 today.... So.... did I ovulate yet again sometime between Monday and Now or am I getting ready to ovulate again without an AF??? Or did I never ovulate with the trigger shot and my real O is coming????

My body is soooo messed up I dont even know what to say at this point but...

What the heck????

Here is the pic of the OPK:

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