Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So my natural cycle drama continues...

I am 3 days late for AF as of today (Cycle day 28) and HPT yesterday was BFN but dont send your condolences just yet.

I came across my Fertile Scope last night and just for fun spit on it to see the results. It showed FULL FERNS which means ovulation. I thought to myself this must be wrong so DH and I drove to the 24hr Pharmacy at 1030pm to buy an OPK. Came home and immediately he was like go POAS. I did and it showed a line (top stick: cycle day 27).
Not a dark positive line but a line just the same.

Here are the pics:


We had BD'd the night before last for fun before we knew and last night too just to be safe.
We had traveled Sat & Sun so we didnt have the ability to BD but we did on Friday.

Today I did another fertile Scope and it showed NO Ferns and there is no line on the OPK (bottom stick: cycle day 28) guessing that I must have O'd sometime between Friday and Yesterday.

So I guess I did not O on cycle day 9 as I had been thinking all along and I guess this would explain why AF hasnt shown her ugly face yet...

WooHoo still in the game as long as AF stays away there is still hope for my BFP in another 2 weeks...

If not then I seriously need help...LOL

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