Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5-6 week Ultrasound

Had the scan today measuring 5 weeks 4 days but according to them I should be 6 weeks from my LMP but that would be 6 weeks exactly on Friday so I am guessing I measured right?? Of course its a bit too soon to really see anything but here are the pics:

5-6 week Ultrasound

5-6 week Ultrasound #2

From what I read you add 30 to the mm of the gestational sac (mine 9.73mm) and that gives you the exact gestational age which would be exactly to my LMP which was Feb 13th

So I am guessing we are perfect right now!!
We go for another scan next Tuesday.

They drew my Blood, weighed, got my Bp etc...

Got home and the nurse called an said the Doctor told her not to run my Beta levels as there was no need since we saw something in the uterus. I was sooo bummed cause I REALLY wanted my numbers from today to compare but like she said its better to see something in the uterus than it is to get numbers...

I do have 2 cysts one on each ovary so they arent sure which Ovary the baby came from but the one on the left is bigger so he doesnt want me to do anything strenuous over the next 1-2 weeks. Shouldnt be a problem since DH is treating me like glass right now anyway...

Til next week....KEEP ON GROWING BABY!!


The Corradetti Clan said...

awww he looks like aaron! lol

Unknown said...

Were they able to see a heartbeat?