Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So I found out the hard way that when entering the 3rd trimester you need to eat and drink water ALOT more….

I ended up in the E.R on Sunday because I was dizzy, felt nauseous, heart was racing etc…Turns out I was dehydrated! AND while in the E.R I started having Braxton Hicks Contractions so I definitely know what they feel like now!! LOL

Any way, they monitored me and Aaralyn for a few hours gave me fluids, fed me and sent me home…

Yesterday I had my monthly Ultrasound which was great so any worry I may have had was relieved when we got there and saw her again….
4d ultrasound 26 weeks 3 days,3d ultrasound
Of course she was doing a headstand on my cervix so the placenta is covering half her face but for 26 weeks 3 days she is just perfect!!

} The Mrs {

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