Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Response Ovulation predictor Kits

On there is always debate and guess work as to what is a TRUE +OPK.

This cycle we used the First Response 20 day Ovulation Predictor kits and I wanted to post the pics of what is still negative even though it may look positive. I always thought they were Positive til I got a TRUE Positive this cycle and the difference is very obvious as you will see in the pics below:

These are examples of NEGATIVE OPK's
Cycle day 8 (bottom) and cycle day 9 (top)
Also Negative cycle day 12 (top) & cycle day 13 (bottom)

This is an excellent pic of what a TRUE +++OPK should appear like
As you can clearly see in the pic above the first TRUE Positive OPK was cycle day 10(bottom) where the test line and control line where the exact same darkness then on cycle day 11(top *Day of Ovulation) you see that the test line is Darker than the control line. You will then notice again in the negative OPK results above cycle day 12 & 13 test lines are now back to being lighter than the control line

I do hope this helps any women out there struggling to determine whats what when it comes to Ovulation prediction. I also want to note that different brands give different results and not everyone gets the same response.

Monday, February 23, 2009

NestBaby Trying to Conceive Ticker

Will not admit defeat!!

So I know I said we were out this cycle because I just had surgery 1 week ago but I couldnt help myself. Thursday I found some OPK's I had hidden in the downstairs bathroom and POAS starting cycle day 8 and there was a faint line on both the First Response and the internet cheapy so then the next day I did it again and it was darker so I told hubby we were going to have to find some unconvential ways to do things because I was not going to loose a good O if this was the 'ONE' we have been waiting for...
So Saturday morning he helped me up the 2 flights of stairs to the second floor of our home and took me in to my bathroom (Yes we each have our own and a guest bathroom ☺) and got me a shower for the first time since surgery. Afterward we found a way to BD that would be comfortable for me and as it turns out SUPER comfortable for DH. Then about 12 hours later we did something unconventional and almost medical, we did a makeshift IUI at home.(I do not recommend this nor do I promote it, you can cause damage if you are not educated & careful)Then Sunday we did another make shift IUI and again BD naturally with the position we found suitable with my surgery.

The pic above is the OPK's from yesterday and today. Yesterday appears the same as the control line and today appears darker than the control line. I am taking today as day of Ovulation so I will have dh BD with me when he gets home tonight and tomorrow so we are covered.

Wouldnt it be crazy if this was the cycle that actually worked when I am technically out of comission right now? Let's hope so!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

hopefully we can find a way for this cycle to work even though my belly is still super sore from surgery.....

here's to hoping especially since I got a light line on the opk today

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2/11/09 -2/16/09

Was in the hospital for abdominal problems and surgery

Day 1 was 2/13/09 of new cycle

Conservative TTC efforts this cycle since I have to heal...

Monday, February 9, 2009

I chat with some wonderful women on a site called

In the last several months since I have been chatting on there I have come to thrive on the unity of each others TTC journeys as well as celebrate in the joys of their BFP's and lending shoulders for support as well as receiving from these giving women.

One thing we do frequently debate is the length of +OPK's after the first surge is detected. Although the doctors say to not test after the first one I thought I would do a little experiment to see just how long it might take for the 'surge' to be gone.

In my findings (test subject was me only) I found that I was getting true +++OPK's for approx 3-4 days and then fainter lines for 3-4 days and as you can see below 9 days past the first surge detection with the First Response OPK's it is now back to completely negative

Hopefully soon I will be able to bust the theory of yet another debated myth of whether or not an OPK can detect Pregnancy and if so at what point in the pregnancy

Stay tuned and dont forget to jump over to to check out this and much much more in the day in the lives of women Trying to Concieve (TTC)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

5 or 6dpo Natural cycle

So today I am either 5 or 6dpo I get messed up calculating that...

Since 1/31/09 (day of ovulation) I have had sore nipples, achyness by my left hip, and cramping in front and back both sides from time to time, I have been very tired and cranky (so aaron said yesterday ☺) and I feel like I have a cold even though I dont

I started the progesterone 100mg suppositories twice a day on Tuesday and since then I have become extremely bloated ...

Cant wait til this time next week so I can start POAS again I think I am going thru withdrawal!!
Seriously though I cant wait to see another BFP and this time its gonna stick I can just feel it!!