Monday, February 9, 2009

I chat with some wonderful women on a site called

In the last several months since I have been chatting on there I have come to thrive on the unity of each others TTC journeys as well as celebrate in the joys of their BFP's and lending shoulders for support as well as receiving from these giving women.

One thing we do frequently debate is the length of +OPK's after the first surge is detected. Although the doctors say to not test after the first one I thought I would do a little experiment to see just how long it might take for the 'surge' to be gone.

In my findings (test subject was me only) I found that I was getting true +++OPK's for approx 3-4 days and then fainter lines for 3-4 days and as you can see below 9 days past the first surge detection with the First Response OPK's it is now back to completely negative

Hopefully soon I will be able to bust the theory of yet another debated myth of whether or not an OPK can detect Pregnancy and if so at what point in the pregnancy

Stay tuned and dont forget to jump over to to check out this and much much more in the day in the lives of women Trying to Concieve (TTC)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE your Blog and you always have the coolest slideshows!
Thank you for the shoutout to FertilityTies and sending you TONS of babydust!