Monday, February 23, 2009

Will not admit defeat!!

So I know I said we were out this cycle because I just had surgery 1 week ago but I couldnt help myself. Thursday I found some OPK's I had hidden in the downstairs bathroom and POAS starting cycle day 8 and there was a faint line on both the First Response and the internet cheapy so then the next day I did it again and it was darker so I told hubby we were going to have to find some unconvential ways to do things because I was not going to loose a good O if this was the 'ONE' we have been waiting for...
So Saturday morning he helped me up the 2 flights of stairs to the second floor of our home and took me in to my bathroom (Yes we each have our own and a guest bathroom ☺) and got me a shower for the first time since surgery. Afterward we found a way to BD that would be comfortable for me and as it turns out SUPER comfortable for DH. Then about 12 hours later we did something unconventional and almost medical, we did a makeshift IUI at home.(I do not recommend this nor do I promote it, you can cause damage if you are not educated & careful)Then Sunday we did another make shift IUI and again BD naturally with the position we found suitable with my surgery.

The pic above is the OPK's from yesterday and today. Yesterday appears the same as the control line and today appears darker than the control line. I am taking today as day of Ovulation so I will have dh BD with me when he gets home tonight and tomorrow so we are covered.

Wouldnt it be crazy if this was the cycle that actually worked when I am technically out of comission right now? Let's hope so!!

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