Tuesday, March 31, 2009

6-7 week Ultrasound

Here's baby Anderson 6 weeks 4 days!
6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected,6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected,6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected
6-7 week Ultrasound,6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected

The minute the doctor found the little butterball today I screamed cause I saw the flickering little heartbeat and Fetal Pole. the doc was amazed that I knew what I was seeing but I reminded him this wasnt our first rodeo. Heart Beat was 98bpm today and doctor says we need an increase of heart rate by next week to be 120 or higher and good continued growth.

Til next Tuesday.... Keep on growin' Baby!!

1 comment:

The Corradetti Clan said...

Grow Baby Grow Love ya Auntie Denise