Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ended up in the Emergency Room last night

I had a long stressful busy day and when I came home and stopped I started getting these "zinger" pain that would stop me in my tracks then I started having some cramping and pressure in the front. I waited a bit then decided to go just incase. In fact DH said "well if the baby was here an had a problem we wouldnt hesitate to take them to the ER then so why would it be different now?"

So we went we were there about 7 hours but I am soooooo Glad we went.

They did an Ultrasound and the baby's hear beat was 160bpm!! Thats right I said 160 when it was only 128bpm on Tuesday plus it had already almost doubled in size in 3 days!! We were sooooo happy they dont give pics out from the Hospital though so I will have to wait til tuesday and hope the quack gets the same good pic the sono tech got.

They did confirm that I do have a bleed around the placenta and said I need to contact the doctor to find out if I should continue the baby aspirin or not so I am waiting for them to call me now.

The ER said more than likely the discomfort I was having was a combo of my ligaments stretching and the cyst on my left ovary and that I needed to not do anything just rest, no housework, cooking etc etc etc

They gave me my RHogam shot as a precaution last night which I was so pleased with and they checked and my cervix is completely closed so they said that was a great sign

So feeling much better about everything just worried about the bleed hoping I can just reabsorb it and hope baby continues to grow and grow and hear rate stays at 160 or higher so the quack will finally shut up...LOL

The ER doctor said the most important thing is for me to rest and have NO STRESS whihc my husband heard and yet again today there was nothing but stress to where it ended up involving my mother and a HUGE break down on my part and now no one is relly speaking so maybe now I can rest....

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