Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Baby A is moving around quite a bit in there today. Its such a neat feeling right now cause its like tiny little bubbles and every once in a while a quick swift hard bump...

I go to the doctors tomorrow to talk about scheduling surgery to remove the cyst on my Left Ovary. They say its not good to let it go as it will cause growth problems for baby and delivery problems for me not to mention if its malignant leaving it in will be life threatening

Not thrilled about it at all...but they say the best time to do it is between week 14-16 so I guess if we gotta do it we gotta do it now...

My goal is to have a 4D U/S done prior to surgery so i can s my little baby and connect with her/im so that I can feel better about us going under anesthesia. I also requested from the doctor that an U/S be done after surgery to check baby's vitals and status so I dont worry myself to death, lets hope he ok's that request.


The Corradetti Clan said...

I missed that feeling of the twins moving inside. You made me scream when I first read your post. Baby A I was like what TWINS! Then it hit me what Baby A meant. We will continue to keep you and your precious family in our prayers! Love ya all!

Terri said...

Denise called in her prayer warriors, and I am here reporting for duty! Saying prayers for you.

debi9kids said...

Hi Heather! Congrats on the baby!
Denise asked that i come over and let you know that i will be praying for you!
of course i will keep you & baby A in my prayers :)

ps So glad you started this blog. i have tried leaving you comments on jeremy's blog but it never seens to let me :(