Thursday, May 28, 2009

Surgery Inevitable

Well we have seen 3 doctors and the diagnosis is unanimous 10 cm cyst left ovary = SURGERY

Surgery to remove the cyst and my left ovary will happen June 4th 2009 at JFK Washington Township Hospital

Doctors say its too risky to leave it in because it can hinder baby's growth or baby could potentially cause it to twist or bust as baby gets bigger OR the potential for it being a malignant tumor and not a cyst is a chance they are not willing to take

The baby will be 15 weeks 5 days which they say is the BEST time for Baby to undergo this procedure with me. We will be in the hospital for 3 days and recovery is 8 weeks. Yes 8 weeks!! They have to cute me wide open no little incision this surgery....UGH! SO by the time I am healed Baby should be 23.5 weeks just in time for my belly to start expanding and the scar to start stretching...Nice right!?

We are hoping for an ultrasound of baby on Wednesday so we have a pic prior to surgery and doctors assured me baby will be monitored via U/S and doppler round the clock after surgery as well as monitoring for me for any potential contractions etc...

Hoping for the best outcome all the way around

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