Monday, June 1, 2009

So over the weekend we had to visit the E.R because I had some slight bleeding in the middle of the night. They said everything was fine with Baby, heart rate was 165 and everything measured perfectly. The cyst did not rupture as we feared and was in tact and no bigger than it was 3 weeks ago. The said they suspected I may have Placenta Previa so they put me on complete bed rest and suggested I see the High Risk doctor today


We went to the high risk doctor today and had a pretty extensive Ultrasound. We do not have Placenta Previa…WOO HOO!! The cyst on my left ovary is a bit smaller than the last time they measured it and the thickening that they were concerned about last time was not seen this time, not to say it wasnt there it just isnt seen. Baby was great a bit stubborn again I guess they enjoy afternoon naps like Mommy….
Had hard time once again getting good photos cause it was all balled up.
Heart Rate was 173BPM.

Here are the pics we got:
15 weeks 3 days ultrasound face only
This is the Face Only….we are at the skeletal phase in case you cant tell….lol
15 weeks 3 days ultrasound face only,full body heart rate 173

Predictor still says “GIRL”!!
babybpm fetal heart rate gender predictor

Now the question remains do We proceed with the surgery on Thursday because the doctors suggest to do it now or do we wait and see if something happens then worry about it then?

Weighing the pro’s and con’s and will make a decision by morning

UGH…this is so difficult

Will Keep you all posted

1 comment:

The Corradetti Clan said...

Your are in my thoughts and prayers constantly! Love ya all!