Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cancelled Surgery

My Plea: God help me I hope I made the right decision...Please dont let me have this beautiful baby then end up dying from Cancer cause I ignored the "warning signs" and my family history...Please dont let this cyst burst or twist causing me to have to have surgery in an unsafe time where it will jeopardize this baby's life...

I faxed a letter to the doctor this morning saying I was not comfortable with having the surgery that I just wanted to wait and monitor it and God forbid it ruptures or twists we will handle it then but for now I was Canceling Surgery

It was about 2 hours ago and I havent heard anything yet so I dont know what their response will be....I have another U/S scheduled for June 24th with the High Risk doctor

DH bought me a book on Curing Ovarian Cysts and we are going to make drastic changes to my diet...which turns out will be a benefit for baby too...We will continue to have me doing nothing unless necessary and Pray it all goes well, we have no more issues and a safe/healthy delivery in November

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