Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cycle Day 15, 5dpIUI

Well this cycle I bought an OPK kits and 25 cheapy HPT strips so I could test to see how long the trigger shot stayed in my system.

Every day since Sunday the HPT was + until yesterday it was negative same with today. I thought good the shot is out of my system so anything I feel now should be real symptoms...

Well yesterday afternoon I felt like I was ovulating so I did an OPK and it came out +, Double Dark pink lines and today the same thing. I still feel like I am ovulating but how can this be if the shot is not in my system anymore the OPK can't be + because of that, it MUST mean I am ovulating again this time on my own but how?

I dont know all I know is that as long as I am getting Dark Pink Lines Aaron has work to do....LOL

This cycle has got to take one way or another !

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