Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 1 pIUI

Well, I had the 3rd and final IUI with Clomid yesterday morning.

There were 5 Follicles that could play a role and 19 million little swimmers were released plus DH and I were BDing last night, this morning, tonight and tomorrow.

I was so uncomfortable from about 6pm last night til about 2 am. The cramps and pressure were really bad and then this morning I woke up ready to vomit. I have been exhausted all day today like I cant stay awake.....and I still feel some twinges on both sides.

I am just wondering if this is a sign that this one will work since this is something I did not experience with the other 2 IUI's..... Oh please let this be a sign!!!

Now I just have to sit in the 2WW ......

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