Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cycle Day 8 Ultrasound results

Went for the US this AM and it appears there are 3 Follies on the right 2 of which are almost ready and 4-5 on the left 2 of which are almost ready.

I have to go back for another US tomorrow AM to check them again then decided when to trigger and do IUI......

This weekend is going to be a challenge though if we have to do the IUI because on Saturday morning I am suppose to get a Flu shot with my mom very early in the am and if its Sunday we have my nephew and we have to be at my moms by 1015am. There is no way we could be in Marlton have the procedure and be back before then....The only thing I can do is hope that it will be Sunday and we take seperate cars. Aaron can leave after his part and I can do the procedure on my own. he doesnt like that idea though because he insists he has to be with me for every appt even if its just BW.

Its not that I dont want to tell them its just that after 5 miscarriages and then not being able to concieve again since April '08 of which they dont know because I dont want them to have to worry about anything but taking care of themselves. They lost so much this last 5 years I dont want to compound their pain by the whole infertility pregnancy loss thing we got goin on here.....

I just want to be able to surprise them one day by saying"Guess what" mom will fall over!!

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