Thursday, January 22, 2009

2nd Ultrasound in Natural Cycle

My Ultrasound today revealed that all the Follicles seen on Monday had grown significantly.

Left Ovary lead Follicle is 18x16 the other 4 were all 15mm and under

Right Ovary both increased size from 5mm to 8mm

The Nurse Practioner said to BD away and start Progesterone 4 days after I get a + OPK

I cant believe that as of today I still dont even have a light line on the OPK when it seems the lead follie is ready to go in the next day or two

I asked about having BW done but they said there is no need because they can see the follicles.

So we are just waiting for the BIG 'O' and having lots of fun while we patiently await its arrival!

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