Monday, January 19, 2009

Natural Monitored Cycle U/S today revealed

5 Follies on the Left 13mm, 11 1/2mm, 10mm and two >7mm

3 Follies on the Right but all measured 5mm and less

No BW was done, Have to go back on Wednesday morning for another U/S

Aaron and I went to lunch and afterward he asked if I wanted to go to Babies R Us to walk around. He said he was thinking of all the things we havent done yet that we could do to summon the baby spirit to visit and stay with us.

We walked around and started making our list of wishes we actually had an enjoyable time doing it.

This is what I am taking this natural cycle and it seems to be working...



Baby Aspirin

Vitex (fertiliaid) Tea 2x's a day



then after I 'O' I will be starting the Progesterone suppositories til I get my BFP!!

I am telling myself I will reach my goal this cycle to have a BFP that STICKS!!, in fact I was talking to the follies this afternoon telling them they need to get big and strong so they can become the baby(ies) of our dreams.....

Will post again after Wed U/S

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