Saturday, January 24, 2009

Craziness started at 820pm cycle day 15

tonight I went to the bathroom to use a different OPK we bought from the Pharmacy tonight and when I went I wiped and there was a full tissue full of Blood and Mucus

I am cycle day 15 what in the hell is going on now? Not to mention that the better OPK showed a light line...

I spoke to the doctor on call but he didnt seem to really know what was going on and said it was odd that I was being monitored with no meds and I told him his partner wanted to see what I did naturally... He said he thinks the Provera confused my ovaries and uterus so that they are not insync and said I should count this as a period...he called what happened last cycle an actual miscarriage and not a chemical since I had to take the Provera to bring on AF...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH

He said to call the doctor I usually see on Monday and he will probably want BW and an U/S but until then he said to scrub this cycle

I told DH we would still BD since it's not flow just alot when I wipe is all and I will do another of the good OPK's tomorrow and see what happens.

Our motto is to not accept defeat to concentrate on the goal

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