Monday, August 4, 2008

Cycle Day 9

Well today is day 7 for the Treatments and Doctors appointments. I have had six injections since last Tuesday. Feeling fine overall, some cramping from time to time and tiredness but that about it. Aaron actually gave me my injections on Saturday and Sunday which is HUGE, he hates needles and usually passes out or gets weak when he sees me get stuck!! Bravo to A for surviving and getting involved

I went to the doctors this morning for the usual US and BW.....There were 4 follicles on the Right and 2 Cysts and either a Follicle or Cyst on the Left, they said they have to wait for the BW to come back to determine whats what....They are suppose to call me later today to let me know & I go back Wednesday for another US & BW stint....

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