Monday, August 4, 2008

Injections put on Hold

I just got a call from the Doctors office and they said I needed to stop the Follistim Injections. I felt upset right away until the next words came out of her mouth which were it looks like you ovulated over the weekend and what we thought were cysts on your Ultrasound this morning are actually Corpus Lutetium. I put my upsetment on hold and asked her to explain. She said that my bloodwork indicates that I am producing Progesterone & in conjunction with another test looks like we may have conceived over the weekend but there is no way to know until next week some time for another US & BW. Because of my miscarriage history and sudden decline in Progesterone with Pregnancy I asked her if I should started the Progesterone suppositories. She said I will get a call from her in the morning to let me know if the Doctor wants me to do that and also give me my appt for next week.......

Oh baby or Babies if you can hear me

For now we are in Limbo waiting.......

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