Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So I suck.....

Just gotta a call from the Doctor and the result was Negative!!! BFN!!

It sucks cause I just wish they had better control over my process. I started the injections on day 4 of my cycle and was seen on Day 7 where they said to continue and then on Day 10 they said "oops you ovulated over the weekend". I just dont get how that happens.....

Anyway, I have to stop the Progesterone today and wait for a new cycle to start then call them. Bad part is we dont have another $1,115.00 to spend on another cycle that may not work.

I guess I will request another Clomid cycle instead at least that controlled my ovulation better.

Going to watch my soaps and sulk!

1 comment:

The Corradetti Clan said...

OMG I am so sorry. I was sure this was your time. I wish there was something I could do to take away your pain. No one deserves a child more than you. IT WILL HAPPEN! God just has another time for you both. If you need anything a shoulder a cry one, someone to talk to please call me. The boys send there love to their Aunt Shoppy and Uncle Aaron.