Monday, August 18, 2008

I played games with my mind.....

Sooo much that I forgot to make the appointment to go 'get the results' today. I have major anxiety over things like I have said before so when I was told I would have to wait another week to find out "yes" or no I started tricking my mind into not thinking about it, even though every time I lay down my boobs hurt, they are twice the size they were 3 weeks ago, I get random nausea and some pinching pains (which I heard are a 'norm' thing)..........

I called this morning and told them I did not get my period and I am calling as instructed to make my appointment.....She asked if I wanted to come in tomorrow morning or wednesday Morning....I said TOMORROW....Cause now thats all I can think about today now and I REFUSE to do a home test out of superstition!!

I guess we will all just have to wait another 24-48 hours.......UGH!!

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