Friday, September 19, 2008

Cycle 3 day 2

Ok, so here we go......yesterday was cycle 3 day 1. I called and checked in as usual on Day 1 and they called me back to say that I should start the Clomid on Saturday and be seen in the office on Fri Sept 26th (Day 9 for BW & US then go from there.....

Well, with every cycle it seems that I add more and more things to my daily agenda to take, do or say..... I currently take B12, B6, Folic Acid, Baby Aspirin, Fish Oil, Acidophiles, Prenat Vits plus my prescription meds and now I have just added this new complex I ordered from the to balance the Water Element in my body. This is suppose to assist with the 'Jing' or essence of life in my body. Signs of water imbalance according to Taoism are: urinary/genital & reproductive problems affecting the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, ovaries, testes, hormonal system, lower back, impotence, infertility and aging so I figured sine I have one or more of these issues why not give these supplements a whirl.

To add to my new age Baby Making regimen I also went to see my cousin Karen last night who is a Chiropractor but she is also a Natural Health provider and practices what is called Naet it is a combination of Eastern & Western Medicine to eliminate allergens from your body that may be causing you to be ill. She had done this with my great nephew Tyler when he was about 2years old, he was having some learning & behaviorial issues and his mother took him to see Karn and after a few months of the Naet he was cured. I called and she said she could help with my issues so thats why I went last night. It was a very interestingprocess, she elliminated everything that may be diet or allergy realted. I could see see was struggling to evaluate me and she kept testing me with the different vials and doing her thing when she all of a sudden asked me if I had WOOD in the house????
I said we only have 3 pieces of Wood (cause I dont usually like wood furniture) she asked where the pieces where. I told her one is in our bedroom and the other 2 pieces are in the Guest Bedroom. She asked what piece was in our bedroom and I told her it was my sisters dresser. She tested me again then asked what is on the dresser. I told her ALL of my sisters stuff, pictures etc....She tested me again and then Said "Emotional" I just looked at her then she began to explain that she believes my fertility issues are emotional. I told her that makes some sense to me since my 1st miscarriage with Aaron was 1 month after my sister passed away. We then proceeded to go thru an hour long healing session that was both emotional and soothing at the same time. She did some of her healing techniques to cleanse me and then said that I have to avoid anything that is my sisters for 25 hours and return next Thursday for another treatment.

Believe it or not when I was done I actually felt a bit of pressure relief and still feel pretty good today...... Aaron was there too but Karen does not allow anyone to sit in on a Naet session (unless your a parent bringing your child) he sees her for some treatments regarding his back, neck and the pigeon toedness his parents never had fixed....... we both walked out of there feeling good.

So between all the supplements I am taking, the addition of the Water Imbalance herbal supplement, the Emotional Calming Tea, The Taoist Chant daily, Prayer to St Gerard nightly (and the wearing of his medallion, thank you Denise), Naet Treatments weekly, my RE and hubby I am thinking something has got to work right??

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