Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cycle day 11, Day 1 Post IUI

Feeling pretty good today overall.....

I am just a bit crampy, a little nauseous and VERY tired. I have been since about the middle of the afternoon yesterday about 5-6 hours after the procedure it started.

We left the house very early yesterday morning because Aaron had to check in by 8am and its about an hour away. We got held up about 10 mins because there was this big HUGE bike race crossing over Rt73 and we had to sit there to let like 500 bikers pass while we saw the light change about 10 times.....but we finally got there and they were good with us being a few minutes late.

After they processed Aaron they told us it would be an hour so he and I decided to go to WaWa to get some breakfast and drinks. They have this new Ciabatta Breakfast Sandwich that is out of this world!!

We went back to the office around 9am and they called us back around 920am.
We had a different doctor this time, which Aaron like because this doctor explained every detail of everything every step of the way. Anyway, the doctor was supper stoked when he came in he said "How wonderful that you have 3 ripened eggs on the left side!" As he placed the instruments in he said to Aaron that he was injecting 17 million and he was going to push them up and in the direction of the left ovary to encourage them to swim in that direction.

I was thinking to myself 'yeah right, how is that possible' but after they were finished with me I had to lay there for 15 mins and during that time I asked Aaron how was it possible for the doctor to aim in that direction? Aaron said "I dont know but he did I watched him take his time and he bent and twisted it as he injected he didnt just go "woosh" like the other guy He actually took his time."

When the doctor was leaving he said "hopefully you will be giving us a call in 2 weeks to say you did not get your period. The odds are definitely in your favor this time".

So we are very optimistic but since this is cycle #3 with the RE and my 2nd IUI I think I will just focus on relaxing, and being happy/healthy for the next 2-3 weeks and not spend every day wondering and anxiety ridden over the maybe.

Next post in 2.5 weeks for the Results........

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