Friday, September 26, 2008

Cycle day 9

Aaron and I went to the doctors this morning. I thought I was suppose to have BW & US but they just did an Ultrasound, which by the way was supper uncomfortable today on the left side.

Dr Packin said that the left tends to e more sensitive because of the bowel sitting near the area of the ovary......

Anyway, he viewed the right ovary 1st and there are 3 follicles all less than 15mm and then he was looking for the left ovary but had alot of trouble finding it today. The pressure was so bad but I held in there and it paid off because when he finally found it we saw 3 LARGE follicles.......
One was 24mm the other one 23mm and the last one was 21mm

He said your ready, do the Ovidrel shot this morning and we will see you in the morning for the procedure......

So we have drop off at 8am tomorrow morning in the Marlton office and will probably have the procedure sometime around 930-10am I suppose...........

We have better odds this cycle with the follicle response lets just hope they produce viable eggs this time......

I forgot to mention earlier today that I went last night and had another NAET treatment and am feeling so much better. It's amazing how it works!!

Heading to bed now for my VERY EARLY morning......Excited for the BIG day!!

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