Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cycle day 9 and Cycle day 11

So my hubby was sick over the weekend but that did not stop the Baby making plans....

Saturday I went back for my Cycle day 9 US and BW (which according to the doctor on cycle day 2 was going to be to early to come back that I should really come back cycle day 12 but after last Cycle I insisted I be seen Cycle day 9 so he agreed). It's a good thing I went Cycle day 9 as I insisted because I had a Follicle that was 30x36 on the left and 3 little ones on the right and my BW was showing Ovulation coming. We were instructed to have Aaron give me the Ovidrel shot at 9pm and return on Sept 1st (cycle day 11/Labor Day) for the IUI.....

Monday morning we went very early in the morning for Aaron to give his part and they instructed us to come back in 2 hours for the procedure. He was soo sick poor thing but he came out saying that he got an A-.....I laughed and said whatever hun I am sure everything was fine and we went out to the car so he could rest. No point in driving all the way home....

So we went back at the time we were instructed and only waited a few minutes. They took us right back. Once I was ready the doctor came in and started. He tells Aaron that he is injecting 27 million healthy, active sperm!! A+ for Aaron I laughed now all we need is for this egg to coporate just as well.....We were all so busy talking that before I knew it the doctor says "ok your done" I was amazed, I felt nothing really, I mean I dont know what I thought I would feel but It was not uncomfortable at all! The doctor instructed us to get busy on our own as well later that night and said I had to lay there for 10 minutes.....

During the 10 mins I just layed there picturing the sperm swimming to the egg and fighting over who was the better man!! I talked to 'A' about how quick it was and how I didnt feel anything and he said thats why he kept talking to distract me because he wasnt sure how painful it would be either....He said "you heard it didnt you?", I said "heard it?", he said "yeah when he pushed it in it was like ......wooooosh" I never heard anything....

After my timer went off the nurse came in and got me up we came right home so 'A' could lay down and take his medicine. I was home for a minute but then had to run back out again and get som different meds for 'A' and stuff to drink. After that I was home with my feet up for most of the day.....

'A' got alot of rest and donated about 50 million more to the cause before we went to sleep...LOL

I go back on Monday for Progesterone levels and the Following Monday for a PG test so we shall see..........

Fingers Crossed!!

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