Friday, January 30, 2009

Cycle day 22

FINALLY a TRUE ++++OPK Naturally

I am sooo glad I didnt scrub the cycle like the doctors said and kept testing!!
I can actually feel it too which is sooo amazing to me since its the first real time Oing on my own!!

I called Aaron and told him he needs to get home A.S.A.P!!

We are locking ourselves in for the weekend!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cycle day 18 Doctors appt

I went to the doctor this morning. We did an U/S and there was a dominant follicle on the left which was 16x22...

Doctor doesnt know why I bled cycle day 15-17 he thought it may have been because of ovulation as we suspected but he just called and said that the bw didnt show that I ovulated and everything else was normal.

I get sooo frustrated hearing everything is normal when we are having so much trouble! So what do I do now? I guess I have to buy more OPKs and just keep POAS until I get a True + or Feb 13th to have bw done again...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cycle day 15 & 16 OPK's


I am sooo glad I didnt give in after I spoke to the doctor last night because today (cycle day 16) I actually got a darker light line on the OPK which means hopefully in another day or two it should be a true positive...Scrub this cycle my eye!!

Lets hope I am just getting ready to start spewing eggs!! LOL

I still dont get why I am bleeding cyle day 15-16 but DH and I are still going for it , Wish us luck!!

Craziness started at 820pm cycle day 15

tonight I went to the bathroom to use a different OPK we bought from the Pharmacy tonight and when I went I wiped and there was a full tissue full of Blood and Mucus

I am cycle day 15 what in the hell is going on now? Not to mention that the better OPK showed a light line...

I spoke to the doctor on call but he didnt seem to really know what was going on and said it was odd that I was being monitored with no meds and I told him his partner wanted to see what I did naturally... He said he thinks the Provera confused my ovaries and uterus so that they are not insync and said I should count this as a period...he called what happened last cycle an actual miscarriage and not a chemical since I had to take the Provera to bring on AF...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH

He said to call the doctor I usually see on Monday and he will probably want BW and an U/S but until then he said to scrub this cycle

I told DH we would still BD since it's not flow just alot when I wipe is all and I will do another of the good OPK's tomorrow and see what happens.

Our motto is to not accept defeat to concentrate on the goal

Friday, January 23, 2009

Well its cycle day 15 and I still havent gotten a +OPK yet.

I called the doctors office and they said they would imagine I would get a +OPK today or tomorrow. I said yeah thats what I thought too but I dont even have a faint line what am I suppose to do about starting the Progesterone since according to Wed U/S they said the lead was 18x16 and I was ready to go

They said if I get no +OPK by Monday to call the office on Monday and go in for a Progesterone level

So I guess I just continue to POAS...

Good thing I bought the 25 pack, bad thing is I only have 6 left!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

2nd Ultrasound in Natural Cycle

My Ultrasound today revealed that all the Follicles seen on Monday had grown significantly.

Left Ovary lead Follicle is 18x16 the other 4 were all 15mm and under

Right Ovary both increased size from 5mm to 8mm

The Nurse Practioner said to BD away and start Progesterone 4 days after I get a + OPK

I cant believe that as of today I still dont even have a light line on the OPK when it seems the lead follie is ready to go in the next day or two

I asked about having BW done but they said there is no need because they can see the follicles.

So we are just waiting for the BIG 'O' and having lots of fun while we patiently await its arrival!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Natural Monitored Cycle U/S today revealed

5 Follies on the Left 13mm, 11 1/2mm, 10mm and two >7mm

3 Follies on the Right but all measured 5mm and less

No BW was done, Have to go back on Wednesday morning for another U/S

Aaron and I went to lunch and afterward he asked if I wanted to go to Babies R Us to walk around. He said he was thinking of all the things we havent done yet that we could do to summon the baby spirit to visit and stay with us.

We walked around and started making our list of wishes we actually had an enjoyable time doing it.

This is what I am taking this natural cycle and it seems to be working...



Baby Aspirin

Vitex (fertiliaid) Tea 2x's a day



then after I 'O' I will be starting the Progesterone suppositories til I get my BFP!!

I am telling myself I will reach my goal this cycle to have a BFP that STICKS!!, in fact I was talking to the follies this afternoon telling them they need to get big and strong so they can become the baby(ies) of our dreams.....

Will post again after Wed U/S

Monday, January 12, 2009

Just over a month ago

We were celebrating our Positive Pregnancy test

and now we are just about moving forward from yet another loss and looking towards this next cycle with a full sense of positivity and love......

I do hope there is a Heaven and one day we do get to meet the 6 babies we've lost. We could have a big Old Family reunion but until then I have faith that their Aunt is looking out for them and is planning to send us that special spirit who will stay with us very soon!

Friday, January 9, 2009


FINALLY the Provera worked!!!
After a week of cramping and 4 days of spotting

The never ending cycle finally ended on cycle day 58 which is now affectionately called DAY 1

Yippe I am back in the Fight!!
This cycle I am determined to get a TRUE and LASTING BFP!

Monday, January 5, 2009