Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cycle Day 21

So I started having symptoms yesterday......

Woke up and it felt like my boobs were bruised. They are very, VERY sore. The last time they were this sore was 3 Pregnancies ago from the little bugger that showed us who they were but didnt stick around to meet us....I still have those Ultrasound pictures and remember the day we heard the heart beat, Aaron was soo overjoyed as was I but I guess that experience and the 5 miscarriages total will just make us appreciate our little one even more when they make an appearance!!

If I hadnt had that last miscarriage in April 2008 I would be over 6 months by now, crazy to think.

Anyway, cant wait to go back to the doctors on Monday. Hopefully we get GOOD news this time!!

1 comment:

The Corradetti Clan said...

I am praying for you!

Love ya