Monday, August 25, 2008

Cycle 2 Day 4

So, I went to the doctors saturday morning, Day 2 and he said my ovaries look good, the lining looks good and there is the start of follicles in each ovary. Started the Clomid 100mg yesterday, Day 3. Feeling good just VERY tired but that could be too because we were running like crazy all weekend........

I go back to the doctors this Saturday will up date after that.......

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Day...

So I was in a mood the last 36 hours.....

Looking forward to starting a new cycle. I got a call from the doctors office yesterday in response to my Clomid request. The nurse said the doctor approved me to be seen on CYCLE Day 2 and I will be given Clomid 100mg to start then be seen again on Cycle Day 12 then have IUI done. I asked her if there was a way they could follow me closer than that because of what happened last cycle and my bodies need to 'O' early. She said to mention it to the doctor on Day 2 when I am seen and remind them that I normally have very short cycles.

So we shall see....for now I am back on the road to Positivity!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So I suck.....

Just gotta a call from the Doctor and the result was Negative!!! BFN!!

It sucks cause I just wish they had better control over my process. I started the injections on day 4 of my cycle and was seen on Day 7 where they said to continue and then on Day 10 they said "oops you ovulated over the weekend". I just dont get how that happens.....

Anyway, I have to stop the Progesterone today and wait for a new cycle to start then call them. Bad part is we dont have another $1,115.00 to spend on another cycle that may not work.

I guess I will request another Clomid cycle instead at least that controlled my ovulation better.

Going to watch my soaps and sulk!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I played games with my mind.....

Sooo much that I forgot to make the appointment to go 'get the results' today. I have major anxiety over things like I have said before so when I was told I would have to wait another week to find out "yes" or no I started tricking my mind into not thinking about it, even though every time I lay down my boobs hurt, they are twice the size they were 3 weeks ago, I get random nausea and some pinching pains (which I heard are a 'norm' thing)..........

I called this morning and told them I did not get my period and I am calling as instructed to make my appointment.....She asked if I wanted to come in tomorrow morning or wednesday Morning....I said TOMORROW....Cause now thats all I can think about today now and I REFUSE to do a home test out of superstition!!

I guess we will all just have to wait another 24-48 hours.......UGH!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tick Toc....

This week is dragging!! Every day I am consumed with the thought of whether I am or am not..... I know I am fortunate that most people wouldnt even suspect at this point but we have had a 3 year journey and since I am having symptoms and Blood work that is looking like success I just want the POSITIVE!!!

Aaron is even geting anxious because there is nothing in this world he loves more than 'playtime' and during 'playtime' he said to me "so when do you go get pictures of them??" Gotta love him!!

Consuming my time with Bloggin, surfing, Playing the Wii, Spending time with the Corradetti twins, and Cleaning my butt off.......By Monday I should be pretty well spent on Nerves....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another week to go....

So we went to the doctors yesterday morning. I had Blood work done nd then they swept me off to my usual Ultrasound room....When the doctor came in the first thing she said was "we will not be able to tel about pregnancy today we are just measuring what we see, you will have to come back next week for Pregnancy test and US". Ok i think let me just lay back than and not think about it, But I couldnt!! I saw 2 rather big 'things' and one fairly large 'thing' and 3 little tiny 'things'......The 3 little things were perfectly round so I am gathering they are new cysts developing but the other 3 were abstract shaped like we have seen before with the Corpus Leutium when I conceived before so we are still on the road to POSITIVITY!!

Plus Aaron was talking about them on the way home giving me the dimensions and talking about the shape too so He is believing it too....

We shall see, NEXT WEEK cant come soon ENOUGH!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


The waiting is KILLING me.....I am the type of person that cant have a gift sent to me with a tag on it that say "Wait til Christmas" to open it cause almost ALWAYS I will open it the day I get it cause I just can't wait!! According to calculations IF we are expecting today I am 2weeks and 6 days. Most people wouldnt even suspect it by now.

I have to say that if this month was not successful I just dont know what I will do....I have never wanted or tried to have anything so badly before in my life!! My senses have been telling me that we did conceive and that we will carry to term so that is what I am believing and willing my body to do....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So Tracy called from the Doctors office yesterday morning and said that Dr Packin agreed I should start the Progesterone BID and to come in on Monday (8/11/08) for US & BW. She said he also felt Optomistic even though I O'd early that 'A' and I may have conceived the old fashion way without the planned IUI.

FINGERS & TOES Crossed!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Injections put on Hold

I just got a call from the Doctors office and they said I needed to stop the Follistim Injections. I felt upset right away until the next words came out of her mouth which were it looks like you ovulated over the weekend and what we thought were cysts on your Ultrasound this morning are actually Corpus Lutetium. I put my upsetment on hold and asked her to explain. She said that my bloodwork indicates that I am producing Progesterone & in conjunction with another test looks like we may have conceived over the weekend but there is no way to know until next week some time for another US & BW. Because of my miscarriage history and sudden decline in Progesterone with Pregnancy I asked her if I should started the Progesterone suppositories. She said I will get a call from her in the morning to let me know if the Doctor wants me to do that and also give me my appt for next week.......

Oh baby or Babies if you can hear me

For now we are in Limbo waiting.......

Cycle Day 9

Well today is day 7 for the Treatments and Doctors appointments. I have had six injections since last Tuesday. Feeling fine overall, some cramping from time to time and tiredness but that about it. Aaron actually gave me my injections on Saturday and Sunday which is HUGE, he hates needles and usually passes out or gets weak when he sees me get stuck!! Bravo to A for surviving and getting involved

I went to the doctors this morning for the usual US and BW.....There were 4 follicles on the Right and 2 Cysts and either a Follicle or Cyst on the Left, they said they have to wait for the BW to come back to determine whats what....They are suppose to call me later today to let me know & I go back Wednesday for another US & BW stint....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Going for Inj # 4

So I am getting ready to do my 4th Follistim injection and about 1/2 hour ago I started getting crampy like I was getting a period. I was going to call the doctor but its not unbearable just some mild cramping so I guess I will do the shot as normal and hope the cramping doesnt get worse and these injections work!! We went to the doctors yesterday morning and there were 2 follicles already. IO go back on Monday for another US and BW so we shall see......