Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another week to go....

So we went to the doctors yesterday morning. I had Blood work done nd then they swept me off to my usual Ultrasound room....When the doctor came in the first thing she said was "we will not be able to tel about pregnancy today we are just measuring what we see, you will have to come back next week for Pregnancy test and US". Ok i think let me just lay back than and not think about it, But I couldnt!! I saw 2 rather big 'things' and one fairly large 'thing' and 3 little tiny 'things'......The 3 little things were perfectly round so I am gathering they are new cysts developing but the other 3 were abstract shaped like we have seen before with the Corpus Leutium when I conceived before so we are still on the road to POSITIVITY!!

Plus Aaron was talking about them on the way home giving me the dimensions and talking about the shape too so He is believing it too....

We shall see, NEXT WEEK cant come soon ENOUGH!!

1 comment:

The Corradetti Clan said...

Dont forget about Hunter laying on your belly last night. He has not been wrong yet!! I am praying for you and Aarron. Next week I am going to die. You better time asap. I am off all day that Monday.