Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

I got the call yesterday have started a Blog just for the experiences with GD

You can follow it at: Gestational Diabetes Blog Log

I will post all the ups and downs, numbers and foods along the way....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

27 weeks

Here is my 27 week Bumpdate:
Have been very lucky to not get any stretch marks yet!!
However I probably should have waited to take the pic until my sleepy bed marks were

OFFICIALLY in the 3rd Trimester!! YEAH!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So I found out the hard way that when entering the 3rd trimester you need to eat and drink water ALOT more….

I ended up in the E.R on Sunday because I was dizzy, felt nauseous, heart was racing etc…Turns out I was dehydrated! AND while in the E.R I started having Braxton Hicks Contractions so I definitely know what they feel like now!! LOL

Any way, they monitored me and Aaralyn for a few hours gave me fluids, fed me and sent me home…

Yesterday I had my monthly Ultrasound which was great so any worry I may have had was relieved when we got there and saw her again….
4d ultrasound 26 weeks 3 days,3d ultrasound
Of course she was doing a headstand on my cervix so the placenta is covering half her face but for 26 weeks 3 days she is just perfect!!

} The Mrs {

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Belly Button

Pic of my Belly Button at 22 weeks...Aaralyn was right underneath it and it was morphing before our eyes. It has since gone back to normal and hope it stays that way because I have SERIOUS belly button issues!

belly button 22 weeks pregnant

The little scar above was from my surgery in Feb '09 which is normally not visible as its on the inside and the one below is from my gallbladder surgery in '97

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We all came to a unanimous decision we FINALLY found crib bedding to match our Fairies & butterflies Purple/White theme for Aaralyn's Nursery

Here is a photo of what it will kinda look like:

I ordered it with all white trim around the blanket etc...

Two round end pieces instead of one PLUS we ordered a custom made Diaper Bag and Changing Table Pad cover all for under $500 cant believe it!

Something made and designed specifically for our little precious!

Cant wait for it to get here so we can finish the nursery but unfortunately since it is all being made specifically for Aaralyn it wont be here for 30 days or more....

Once nursery is finished will post pics...
} The Mrs {

Friday, June 26, 2009

Our first shopping spree

Aaron an I had a mini shopping spree...even thought it did cost us $600 dollars but it was still would have bought everything we needed today if I let him!

Here are some pics:
Photobucket0-3 months
Photobucket6-9 months
Photobucket12 months

We also bought a car seat for Aarons car 5-100lbs and a Pack&Play with changing station, vibration sleep center, sound, music etc for my parents as a Grandparent gift to make it easy on the when they have Aaralyn.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Its a GIRL!

to see her on 4D was amazing to say the least!

Well when the gender was determined my Mom jumped out of her seat screamed and then started to cry, my husband jumped for joy then comforted my Mom....

My mom was so cute she had Gift bags already one for a Girl and one for a Boy(just in case) Here are Aaralyns First Gifts:
Baby First Gifts

Baby First Gifts

My husband after the movies was pacing the floors etc...I asked him whats wrong he said "I just realized your really Pregnant!" I thought it was soooo cute!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cancelled Surgery

My Plea: God help me I hope I made the right decision...Please dont let me have this beautiful baby then end up dying from Cancer cause I ignored the "warning signs" and my family history...Please dont let this cyst burst or twist causing me to have to have surgery in an unsafe time where it will jeopardize this baby's life...

I faxed a letter to the doctor this morning saying I was not comfortable with having the surgery that I just wanted to wait and monitor it and God forbid it ruptures or twists we will handle it then but for now I was Canceling Surgery

It was about 2 hours ago and I havent heard anything yet so I dont know what their response will be....I have another U/S scheduled for June 24th with the High Risk doctor

DH bought me a book on Curing Ovarian Cysts and we are going to make drastic changes to my diet...which turns out will be a benefit for baby too...We will continue to have me doing nothing unless necessary and Pray it all goes well, we have no more issues and a safe/healthy delivery in November

Monday, June 1, 2009

So over the weekend we had to visit the E.R because I had some slight bleeding in the middle of the night. They said everything was fine with Baby, heart rate was 165 and everything measured perfectly. The cyst did not rupture as we feared and was in tact and no bigger than it was 3 weeks ago. The said they suspected I may have Placenta Previa so they put me on complete bed rest and suggested I see the High Risk doctor today


We went to the high risk doctor today and had a pretty extensive Ultrasound. We do not have Placenta Previa…WOO HOO!! The cyst on my left ovary is a bit smaller than the last time they measured it and the thickening that they were concerned about last time was not seen this time, not to say it wasnt there it just isnt seen. Baby was great a bit stubborn again I guess they enjoy afternoon naps like Mommy….
Had hard time once again getting good photos cause it was all balled up.
Heart Rate was 173BPM.

Here are the pics we got:
15 weeks 3 days ultrasound face only
This is the Face Only….we are at the skeletal phase in case you cant tell….lol
15 weeks 3 days ultrasound face only,full body heart rate 173

Predictor still says “GIRL”!!
babybpm fetal heart rate gender predictor

Now the question remains do We proceed with the surgery on Thursday because the doctors suggest to do it now or do we wait and see if something happens then worry about it then?

Weighing the pro’s and con’s and will make a decision by morning

UGH…this is so difficult

Will Keep you all posted

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Surgery Inevitable

Well we have seen 3 doctors and the diagnosis is unanimous 10 cm cyst left ovary = SURGERY

Surgery to remove the cyst and my left ovary will happen June 4th 2009 at JFK Washington Township Hospital

Doctors say its too risky to leave it in because it can hinder baby's growth or baby could potentially cause it to twist or bust as baby gets bigger OR the potential for it being a malignant tumor and not a cyst is a chance they are not willing to take

The baby will be 15 weeks 5 days which they say is the BEST time for Baby to undergo this procedure with me. We will be in the hospital for 3 days and recovery is 8 weeks. Yes 8 weeks!! They have to cute me wide open no little incision this surgery....UGH! SO by the time I am healed Baby should be 23.5 weeks just in time for my belly to start expanding and the scar to start stretching...Nice right!?

We are hoping for an ultrasound of baby on Wednesday so we have a pic prior to surgery and doctors assured me baby will be monitored via U/S and doppler round the clock after surgery as well as monitoring for me for any potential contractions etc...

Hoping for the best outcome all the way around

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Baby A is moving around quite a bit in there today. Its such a neat feeling right now cause its like tiny little bubbles and every once in a while a quick swift hard bump...

I go to the doctors tomorrow to talk about scheduling surgery to remove the cyst on my Left Ovary. They say its not good to let it go as it will cause growth problems for baby and delivery problems for me not to mention if its malignant leaving it in will be life threatening

Not thrilled about it at all...but they say the best time to do it is between week 14-16 so I guess if we gotta do it we gotta do it now...

My goal is to have a 4D U/S done prior to surgery so i can s my little baby and connect with her/im so that I can feel better about us going under anesthesia. I also requested from the doctor that an U/S be done after surgery to check baby's vitals and status so I dont worry myself to death, lets hope he ok's that request.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

12-13 week Ultrasound

Here is baby Anderson Now:

12-13 week Ultrasound Heart rate 167 BPM

Heart Rate was 167 BPM and Baby was wanting to sleep in a Ball and not stretch out for measurements or photos
12-13 week Ultrasound Heart rate 167 BPM

According to Todays Ultrasound stats the predictor is still saying "GIRL" !

babybpm fetal heart rate gender predictor

We get our FULL scan and Gender Determination scan done in 6 weeks so all is well with baby Anderson

Thursday, April 30, 2009

RH Factor

So the new OB's office called me today to tell me they have concern about my BW that was done last week.

Apparently I tested positive for RH antibodies which is a bad thing since I am O- and DH is O+

I told them that on 4/10/09 I had the Rhogam shot in the ER and she said I got it in time then, when I got to the High Risk Dr on May 13th they will reassess the antibodies and will be something they have to keep watch on

GREAT....ONE MORE thing for me to have Anxiety over!! UGH!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I got the call from the High Risk office my Appt is May 13th at 1230pm EST for the sequential U/S, BW and Consult

UGH... 2 whole weeks to wait....its gonna kill me! ;0)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First OB appt

I just got back from first appt with ObGyn

He just asked me alot of questions, filled out ALOT of paperwork, did and internal exam and pap, ordered a ton of BW and said I would see the High Risk Doctor between week 11-13 that Noreen from his office would call me tomorrow with the info

They drew like 8 tubes of Blood good thing I am not squeamish. the doctor said my exam today was normal and he knew all about me I didnt have to tell him anything which was great. he said the high risk doc will do some BW and an U/S and then I go back to see him again in 4 weeks and he will order an U/S sometime after that

So we are just in Limbo trying to relax and a little sad I didnt get to see the little butterball today but I guess I am happy that I can in another week or two

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Intelligender Prediction

IT'S a GIRL!!!
Intelligender Prediction
Myspace Glitter Graphics

8 weeks 4 days

Here is Baby Anderson 8 weeks 4 days

8-9 week Ultrasound Heart Beat Face arms legs

Here is Baby zoomed in
8-9 week Ultrasound Heart Beat Face arms legs

We were lucky today and got a front view.
You can make out the face, arms and legs....soooo in LOVE already!!
The Heart Rate today was 171 bpm and the Blood spot was no longer visible!!!

We graduated from the RE and will see the OB on April 23rd

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ended up in the Emergency Room last night

I had a long stressful busy day and when I came home and stopped I started getting these "zinger" pain that would stop me in my tracks then I started having some cramping and pressure in the front. I waited a bit then decided to go just incase. In fact DH said "well if the baby was here an had a problem we wouldnt hesitate to take them to the ER then so why would it be different now?"

So we went we were there about 7 hours but I am soooooo Glad we went.

They did an Ultrasound and the baby's hear beat was 160bpm!! Thats right I said 160 when it was only 128bpm on Tuesday plus it had already almost doubled in size in 3 days!! We were sooooo happy they dont give pics out from the Hospital though so I will have to wait til tuesday and hope the quack gets the same good pic the sono tech got.

They did confirm that I do have a bleed around the placenta and said I need to contact the doctor to find out if I should continue the baby aspirin or not so I am waiting for them to call me now.

The ER said more than likely the discomfort I was having was a combo of my ligaments stretching and the cyst on my left ovary and that I needed to not do anything just rest, no housework, cooking etc etc etc

They gave me my RHogam shot as a precaution last night which I was so pleased with and they checked and my cervix is completely closed so they said that was a great sign

So feeling much better about everything just worried about the bleed hoping I can just reabsorb it and hope baby continues to grow and grow and hear rate stays at 160 or higher so the quack will finally shut up...LOL

The ER doctor said the most important thing is for me to rest and have NO STRESS whihc my husband heard and yet again today there was nothing but stress to where it ended up involving my mother and a HUGE break down on my part and now no one is relly speaking so maybe now I can rest....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

7-8 week U/S

7-8 week Ultrasound

We doubled in size and heart rate was 128bpm today. We are still measuring a week behind and there was a blood spot under the placenta. I have to just continue to take it easy and rink lots of water and go again next Tuesday for another scan.

We need to more than double in size and increase the heart rate once again...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

6-7 week Ultrasound

Here's baby Anderson 6 weeks 4 days!
6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected,6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected,6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected
6-7 week Ultrasound,6-7 week Ultrasound Fetal Pole Heart Beat detected

The minute the doctor found the little butterball today I screamed cause I saw the flickering little heartbeat and Fetal Pole. the doc was amazed that I knew what I was seeing but I reminded him this wasnt our first rodeo. Heart Beat was 98bpm today and doctor says we need an increase of heart rate by next week to be 120 or higher and good continued growth.

Til next Tuesday.... Keep on growin' Baby!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5-6 week Ultrasound

Had the scan today measuring 5 weeks 4 days but according to them I should be 6 weeks from my LMP but that would be 6 weeks exactly on Friday so I am guessing I measured right?? Of course its a bit too soon to really see anything but here are the pics:

5-6 week Ultrasound

5-6 week Ultrasound #2

From what I read you add 30 to the mm of the gestational sac (mine 9.73mm) and that gives you the exact gestational age which would be exactly to my LMP which was Feb 13th

So I am guessing we are perfect right now!!
We go for another scan next Tuesday.

They drew my Blood, weighed, got my Bp etc...

Got home and the nurse called an said the Doctor told her not to run my Beta levels as there was no need since we saw something in the uterus. I was sooo bummed cause I REALLY wanted my numbers from today to compare but like she said its better to see something in the uterus than it is to get numbers...

I do have 2 cysts one on each ovary so they arent sure which Ovary the baby came from but the one on the left is bigger so he doesnt want me to do anything strenuous over the next 1-2 weeks. Shouldnt be a problem since DH is treating me like glass right now anyway...

Til next week....KEEP ON GROWING BABY!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Bump

I said I wasnt gonna do the Belly pics til later on but I decided to do one today since I have a little pouch at 6 weeks:


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We're Pregnant!!


I had my bw drawn this morning to see my HCG levels they wont be in until this afternoon...

I am OFFICIALLY a - Glitter Graphics

Stay Tuned!!

Dr called at 232pm and said Beta Number is 63 which is perfect for 15dpo!!
Will repeat BW on Friday...

3/13/2009 Beta #2 : 119 YEAH IT Doubled!! Next Test 3/17/09

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

14dpo HPT

Here is the latest strip I know I said i was going to wait til 15dpo but at

14dpo and the line is more than a shadow its PINK now!!


OMG I think I am gonna faint!! Still not calling it just yet but with it getting darker every time I test my excitement goes up too!!